Cohort 2 student Mairi publishes in BMC Digital Health

COhort 2 student Mairi Deighan publishes the following paper: ‘Perspectives of healthcare professionals on the use of immersive virtual reality in teenage and young adult oncology: a qualitative interview study’ in BMC Digital Health.

She had this to say about her experience: ‘This paper presents an interview study conducted with healthcare professionals to explore their perspectives on using virtual reality technology in teenage oncology. The paper highlights the many opportunities for VR use in teenage oncology while highlighting the challenges for deploying VR technology in hospitals.

This publication provides actionable insights for researchers, clinicians and VR developers interested in developing, implementing or using VR in the teenage and young adult oncology setting. This study will also inform future work in the area of medical VR by providing the views and perspectives of healthcare professionals when it comes to using VR in hospitals.’

Link to Paper:

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